4 Myths About Consuming Fat You Should Stop Believing

In our society, the term “fat” carries a negative association that often leads us to avoid foods containing it. Nonetheless, it is crucial to differentiate between dietary fat and the fat cells stored in our bodies, as the former is essential for maintaining good health. Let’s address some misunderstandings surrounding this nutrient, and uncover the myths about dietary fat.

Myths About Fat

1. Fat is terrible for your heart.

The myth that fat is terrible for our heart and causing a stroke and heart attack has led many people to avoid fat altogether. However, the truth is many types of fats are actually very useful in preventing heart disease and improving memories, such as omega-3 fats. According to Karol Watson, a cardiology professor, healthy fats may help lower total cholesterol and reduce inflammation, which both are risk factors for heart disease. The only bad fats that you have to watch for are trans fat, seed oil and saturated fat.

2. Low-fat or nonfat products are healthier.

As if fueled by the previous myth, many people think that the lower the fat content in a product, the healthier it is. However, that is not true. If a product’s fat was replaced with high sugar content, it is unhealthy. Refined carbs and added sugars in fat free products can decrease insulin sensitivity and raise both your blood pressure and your blood triglycerides.

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3. All plant-based fats are healthy.

Some people have the idea that if a fat comes from a plant it’s automatically good fat. That is simply incorrect. Tropical oils like palm oil, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil, for example, are very high in saturated fat. Coconut oil is 83% sat fat, which is higher than butter (63%). Many of the vegetarian and vegan products contain tropical oils, which will significantly raise bad cholesterol.

4. Eating fat makes you gain weight.

Weight gain is often associated with excessive carbohydrate, protein, or fat intake. However, it’s important to understand that fat alone does not lead to weight gain. A study published in JAMA discovered no significant difference in weight changes between individuals who followed a healthy low-carb diet and those who followed a healthy low-fat diet. The truth is, regardless of the nutrient composition of your food, if you consume more calories than your body needs, weight gain is likely to occur.

Source : Prevention

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