When it is time to break the fast, Muslims may begin to drink or eat at adhan for Maghrib prayers. In Indonesia, this is known as “Buka Puasa,” or the Breaking of the Fast, also known as Iftar. Typically, people begin with a hot or cold drink and sweet snacks to allow the tummy to gradually adjust to food again after a period of more than 12 hours, followed by sweet drinks to replenish energy. Here are 4 popular Buka Puasa foods and drinks in Indonesia:
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1. Kolak
Kolak is a popular Ramadan opening dish due to its super-sweet taste, and it is highly recommended to increase blood sugar levels after long hours of fasting. It’s made with coconut milk, palm sugar, vanilla, pandanus leaves, slices of banana, sweet potatoes, and optional pumpkins. During the fasting month, Kolak can be found in most traditional Indonesian food stores.
2. Dates
During Ramadan, dates are widely available in most supermarkets and traditional markets across the country. It is regarded as the best food for breaking the fast because it is both sweet and nutritious. Dates (or kurma) are known to have health benefits, including the ability to overcome anemia, keep teeth and bones strong, prevent stroke, and prevent coronary heart disease.
3. Es Pisang Ijo
Pisang Ijo, which translates as “green bananas,” is made from a banana wrapped in flour dough that has been colored green. To make this drink even more refreshing, it is served with coconut milk, coco pandan syrup, and shaved ice. It is also easily accessible along Pantai Losari or Losari Beach in Makassar, since Makassar is its origin.
4. Es Timun Suri
Timun Suri is a melon-shaped fruit with a lot of juice. It is usually served with honey or coco pandan syrup. In some parts of the country, it is combined with palm sugar syrup or condensed milk, and then topped with lime juice for a sweet and sour fresh taste. Originally from Cirebon in West Java, this fruit is now sold along many streets in Jakarta during the fasting month.