Emma Tedja Elliott Voices Anxiety of World on Screen Through Single “Movie”

Emma Tedja Elliott, a teenage girl of Indonesian – USA descent, is a newcomer to the world of Indonesian music. Emma Elliott tries to come up with the Single “Movie”. (https://www.enov8.com) Emma Elliott wrote the lyrics of this song herself, which here wants to tell about the anxiety of a teenager about life in the screen world not being as beautiful as not even being the same as the reality of real world life.

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Emma Tedja Elliott wants to illustrate that life continues to move and cannot be repeated like in films. Life in films is very different from what is in real life, so we have to really use the best possible time to pursue our dreams. In writing the lyrics for the song “Movie”, Emma collaborated with Asta (RAN guitarist) and Handy (Soulvibe bassist) as his music deputies.

Currently, she is collecting some song material that he wrote himself to complete his Mini Album, Emma Elliott hopes that this song can be received by all listeners in Indonesia and outside Indonesia.

Emma Elliott herself, at the age of 11, started to explore the world of singing by learning vocal processing at KBL Kelapa Gading (Kurnia Bersama Lucky) with vocal teacher OM. Lucky View. In addition to the world of singing, Emma Elliott has tried acting, namely on the soap opera Jinny Oh Jinny Coming Again in 2016.

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