The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, officially replaced 22 street names in Jakarta with several Betawi figures’ names. Anies said that they used Betawi figures’ names to appreciate their role in the journey of Jakarta. He also added that after these 22 streets, there will be more street names to change into Betawi figures’ names.
Some changed street names were Jalan Haji Darip, previously was Jalan Bekasi timur Raya; Jalan Mpok Nori, formerly was Jalan Raya Bambu Apus; and Jalan H. Bokir bin Dji’un, previously was Jalan Raya Pondok Gede. With that renewal, what are the impacts to Jakarta citizens?
People Get the Knowledge of Betawi Figures’ History
Andrinof Chaniago, public policy expert, believed that the change will make people know more about the history of Betawi figures who were meritorious to Betawi and Jakarta. This will result in Betawi culture preservation, so that the next generation will remember and respect those figures.
Population Data and Society Confusion
The name change indeed helps the government to maintain the history of Betawi. Yet, this will confuse the society in the short term. They used to apply the previous name to their daily activity and then the name changed. They need time to get used to the new name. (societyofrock.com)
Furthermore, the name change will affect the population data that has to be customized. In this case, the local government is expected to facilitate the customisation.
Data Change in KTP and KK
The name change surely gives impact to Indonesian Identity Card (KTP) and Family Identity Card (KK). Those 2 files require the full address of the owner; therefore, the street name change will require the owner to change their data in both files.
Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, the Director General of Population and Civil Registry, Ministry of Home Affairs, stated that every area changes would be followed by registry records change, including Indonesian Identity Card (KTP), Family Identity Card (KK), and Children Identity Card (KIA). In terms of that, he made sure that the data changing form will be available as the required number.