4 Types of Food to Help Increase Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure is when your blood below 90/60 mm Hg and have symptoms such as dizziness, feeling weak, blurred vision, etc., Normal blood pressure is between 90/60 and 120/80 mm Hg.

Several ways to increase blood pressure are by consuming certain types of foods that contain vitamin B12, folate, and others. Here are some foods that can help to increase blood pressure.

  1. Foods with Vitamin B12

A lack of vitamin B12 can cause low blood pressure and fatigue. Eating foods high in vitamin B12, such as cereals, eggs, nutritional yeast and animal meats, can help increase blood pressure.

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  1. Caffein

Foods and drinks that contain caffeine can help increase blood pressure. However, consumption of foods or drinks that contain caffeine needs to be limited. Coffee and tea that contain caffeine can increase blood pressure by stimulating the cardiovascular system and increasing your heart rate. Some other foods and drinks that contain caffeine are cocoa, chocolate, fizzy and energy drinks.

  1. Salt

Salty foods are effective enough to increase blood pressure. High salt intake can help to increase blood pressure. You can consume foods such as smoked fish, canned soup, cottage cheese, olives, or pickles.

  1. Foods with High Folate

Similar to vitamin B12, folate deficiency can also cause anemia, which lowers blood pressure. Some foods rich in folate that you can consume are nuts, citrus fruits, asparagus, lentils, eggs, green vegetables, and liver.

So, those are four foods you can consume to help you increase your blood pressure.

Source: Kompas

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