4 Underrated Travelling Destination in Asia You Can Visit

Asia consists of approximately more than 40 countries, each with their own different nature landscape and massive amount of differing culture in each country. This is a major factor why Asia in general becomes a primary option for a tourist to explore. 

While some of this place already has its own fame and recognition, there are several destinations that’s still considered “Underrated”, this place by no means is not as beautiful as the others and in fact, is considered a alluring hidden treasure that needs to be recognized even more by the world. Here are 4 of the underrated traveling destination in Asia:

  1. Togean Island, Indonesia

Located in the middle of Tomini Bay, Sulawesi, Togean Island is  a hidden paradise that consists of soft white sands and a relaxing wave to chill out our mind. You can go diving in the thousands of diving spots, or snorkeling  in several spots that have a flourishing coral reef that you can view. Besides diving and snorkeling, there are also other places you can visit, such as Papan Island, Pandang Tower, Jellyfish Lake and Bajo’s Residency.

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  1. Hsipaw, Myanmar

Hsipaw, at the other times called Thibaw, is a city located in Shan State, Myanmar, It is a city full of Shan culture with a large amount of artifacts that will help you study about their culture in detail. Aside from the cultural and historical significance that it brings, Hsipaw is also known for its enchanting setting, since it is surrounded by hills that will help you to look out over the countryside. You might also want to go to several places in Hsipaw such as Nawng Kaw Gyi Lake, Myauk Myo and Hu Nwe Waterfall.

  1. Skardu, Pakistan

Skardu District in Pakistan is one of the most breathtaking scenery in the country. Consisting  of some of the highest mountains in the planet that are concentrated in the region, the place is worth the visit. There is a lot of natural tourism that you can choose in this district, such as Satpara and Shangrila Lake, Shigar and Khaplu Valley. There is also Deosai National park that has a natural habitat for birds and butterflies.

  1. Wedi Ombo Beach, Indonesia

Wedi Ombo Beach is located at the end of Gunung Kidul district, Yogyakarta. Composed by a coral reef and white sands. It takes 2 hours to reach the location from Yogyakarta city. Those lengthy journeys needed will be paid for with the magnificent view, and you can go snorkeling, surfing or even just take your time to lay down and enjoy the scenery. While it is still underrated, the beach has already provided a bathroom and toilet in case you want to camp on the beach.

source: CNN Indonesia, Traveloka


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