Alya Zurayya Dropped ‘Alunan Tentangmu’, Inspired by Her Parents

After releasing ‘Semat Semesta’ that told us about 2 loving people who could not be one in 2021, Alya Zurayya was back with her latest single ‘Alunan Tentangmu’. Different from her previous love singles, Alya brought her very first love which was her parents’ love. 

“This song is a tool to describe my parents whom I am grateful for being introduced to many meaningful and good things,” said Alya. “In my previous singles, I mostly delivered messages from past love stories. Now, I tell you my first love that I got and I am still receiving it, which is love from my parents.”

Alya wanted to give this song as a special 38th wedding anniversary of her parents. She produced the song with Immanuel Novedo and Khalishah Isyana. ( The vocal arrangements were done by Khalishah Isyana, while the mixing and mastering were done by Fachry Nugroho.

“I want to thank my parents for loving each other sincerely, especially to their children for 38 years of marriage,” explained Alya. 

Alya hoped that this song could be the opening song from many singles that she is producing now. She is recording for her first album that is full of different colors. 


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