Don’t Reheat These Foods! Here Are 4 Foods That Should Not Be Reheated

Some foods are highly recommended to not be reheated if it has been left at room temperature or has not been stored properly for a long time. This can happen because some foods can be a type of poison that causes nausea, poisoning, or other health problems. That’s why not all foods can be reheated again.

These are four foods that are highly recommended to not be reheated.

  1. Rice

Reheated rice can cause food poisoning. Bacillus cereus bacteria and other bacteria begin to grow on rice when it is at room temperature. Heating or cooling the rice again will not kill the bacteria. Therefore, cook rice in sufficient portions for consumption.

  1. Mushroom

Mushrooms contain proteins that can be damaged by bacteria and enzymes if stored incorrectly and left too long at room temperature. Reheating mushrooms can cause stomach ache. If you really need to reheat the mushrooms, it’s best not to warm them to temperatures higher than 70 Celsius.

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  1. Egg

Besides their rubbery texture, reheating eggs can be bad for human health. Eggs can turn green because they are cooked too long due to nitrogen oxidation which can then cause stomach ache. Salmonella bacteria that are contained in eggs can also multiply rapidly and cause serious food poisoning.

  1. Spinach and Other Green Vegetables

Spinach and other green vegetables can contain high concentrations of nitrates, depending on where they were grown. The nitrates contained in these vegetables are harmless, but they can turn into nitrites and then into nitrosamines which are carcinogenic. Carcinogens are toxic substances that can cause cancer.

Source: Kompas

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