East Java Provincial Government held an Evaluation Meeting and the Acceleration of the Implementation of the 2023 APBD on Friday, May 5. The activity took place at PT. BPR Bank Jombang Perseroda (Bank Jombang Tower) and led by the East Java Secretariat General Administration Assistant, Akhmad Jazuli.
In this activity, each regional apparatus conveyed the development of the realization of the APBD until early April 2023. Besides that, the budget realization data was also equipped with obstacles experienced in the budget absorption process during the current month.
As stated in Permendagri Number 77 of 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for Regional Financial Management that all forms of Regional Revenue and Expenditures must be recorded and managed in the APBD.
In carrying out the regional government, the high and low absorption of the APBD is used as an indicator that can describe how far the targets set by local government agencies have progressed. So one of the determinants of the success of a regional government in carrying out its administration is the absorption of the budget.
The problem of low budget absorption at the beginning to the middle of the fiscal year will have a negative impact on the quality of programs and activities implemented. The occurrence of delays in the realization of the budget will cause many local government programs and activities to accumulate at the end of the year and will ultimately have an impact on the quality of the performance of the local government itself.
It is through this routine evaluation meeting that the Provincial Government of East Java is trying to maintain the quality and quantity of budget absorption so that it remains on track and avoids a buildup of programs and activities that tend to be accelerated at the end of the fiscal year.
The results of the evaluation meeting will later be reviewed and analyzed to determine the right policy in overcoming the problem of budget realization which has different characteristics each month.
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