Global Game Jam Malang 2024 a Success, Attracts Record Number of Participants

Bingkai KaryaThe Global Game Jam Malang 2024 (GGJ Malang 2024) concluded its event with a bang, marking the end of three days of intense collaboration and creativity in game development. The event, held at the Malang Creative Center (MCC) from January 26, 2024 to January 28, 2024, brought together dozens of game developers, designers, and game enthusiasts of all skill levels.

At the closing ceremony yesterday, the event began with a warm welcome from Adib Toriq, the General Chairman of the Malang Game Developer Community (GDM). In his speech, the GDM General Chairman proudly commented on the success of GGJ Malang 2024:

“The enthusiasm and excitement of the participants of Global Game Jam Malang 2024 is extraordinary. There were 90 registrants and 84 participants attended in person. This sets a new record and is proof that more and more people in Malang City are interested in becoming game developers and proof that Malang has the potential to be a game development city in Indonesia.”

Neil El Himam, Deputy for Digital Economy and Creative Products, who also visited the Global Game Jam venues in Bandung and Malang, said:

“As in previous years, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) fully supports and appreciates the implementation of Global Game Jam. This activity is an effort to continue to grow the sub-sector of the game industry in Indonesia. We also hope that the Presidential Regulation on the Development of the Game Industry can be enacted soon, so that Indonesian games can be winners at home.”

GGJ Malang 2024 offered an extraordinary experience with a total of 94 participants who formed into 14 creative teams. With the theme “Make Me Laugh”, it succeeded in making the audience at the event yesterday laugh out loud with the game results that had been made by the participants.

To appreciate each creative aspect that was produced, the committee provided award categories with prizes in the form of steam keys that can be claimed for free. The prizes include: Favorite Game, Funniest Idea, Funniest Art, Funniest Sound, Most Active Group, and Most Social Media Participant. The presence of awards in these categories added an element of extra joy and motivation for participants. However, not only the teams that fall into the above categories are the ones who get prizes. All teams that participated in GGJ Malang this year were also given a board game from Toge Production entitled “Circus Politicus”, which shows appreciation for the dedication and creativity of all participants who contributed to this event.

In addition, with a total of 84 jammers involved, with half of the participants from women and half from men, it shows an extraordinary gender balance. This equal participation is an important achievement in supporting diversity and equality in the game industry. It also provides a positive example for similar events in the future.

Of course, with the support of various parties such as Kemenparekraf, the Indonesian Game Association, US Congen Surabaya, Prakarsa Foundation, Sam Irfan, Indigo Telkom, Malang Creative Center (MCC), and game studios in Malang City such as Algorocks Studio, Satriver Studio, Simpleton, Letsplay Game Studio, Clay Studio, Klapanom Studio, and many more. The event was a success and ran smoothly.

Arif Bawono Surya, the event manager of Global Game Jam Malang 2024 from the Malang Game Dev Community, hopes that with the existence of Global Game Jam Malang 2024 and With this extraordinary achievement, GGJ Malang 2024 can be an inspiration for future events.


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