Scientists of George Mason University located in Virginia predicted that almost half of Earth will go through a new climate zone because of climate change. The journal of study was published under the title “CMIP6 Earth System Models Project Greater Acceleration of Climate Zone Change Due To Stronger Warming Rates”.
The result of the study has projected Earth’s future until the year of 2100. The study shows there are significant changes in temperature and precipitation that can change climate at the local level.
As we all know now, we can say that Earth is a fragile place for living things to live. There’s a lot of things that happen inside of Earth, that can cause harm to living things inside. Extreme heat waves, droughts, floods and storms are common things that occur on a regular basis currently. And the result of the study might harm the Earthlings even more because of climate change.
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“By the end of the century, about 38% to 40% of global land area projected is in a different climate zone than today,” the research team led by senior author Paul Dirmeyer wrote in the study journal.
The changes might increase further, so that nearly 50% of Earth’s land area could shift to a new, unknown climate zone. The latest generation of climate models might arise, which are more sensitive to climate change and higher rates of global warming.
Based on their analysis of study, the tropical climate is going to expand from 23% to 25% of Earth’s land mass by 2100. As well as Earth’s land that is going to be barren land, predicted up to 34% from 31%. These kind of changes in other studies can cause destabilized food production systems and encourage the spread of disease caused by mosquitoes into new areas.