The desire of Malang Mayor Drs. H. Sutiaji to make MSME products in Malang City can go international is not a mere figment. At the Indonesia Fair event held by the Indonesian Embassy in China, accompanied by Hj Widayati Sutiaji SSos MM, Chairperson of the City Government of Malang, and promoted Drs. H. Sutiaji the original MSMEs products of Malang City.
They promoted quality local MSME products in Malang City such as necklace accessories from Eva Unique Accessories, fans and notebooks from D’Sil Handmade, Malangan negligee from Red Tulip, marsala embroidery, and heny dasterqu and Malangan batik from Soendari Batik which succeeded in attracting the interest of the visiting PRC community.
Not only did the products on display attract attention, but the promotion also attracted the attention of ambassadors from around the world who attended as guests and more than 6,000 visitors as well as the Indonesian Ambassador to China, Djauhari Oratmangun and his staff. In his remarks, Djauhari appreciated what Sutiaji and Widayati had done.
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In particular, Djauhari said, Drs. H. Sutiaji and Widayati’s enthusiasm for developing the potential of their region is exemplary and an inspiration for other leaders. Sutiaji was honored to receive positive attention from the Indonesian Ambassador to China and appreciated the opportunity to participate in the Indonesia Fair in Beijing.
In addition, he also expressed his hope that this opportunity was not only to introduce the superior products of Malang MSME but also a means to expand the export gates of these superior products. Sutiaji also said that what he and Widayati did was a commitment.
Widayati added that Dekranasda as a forum that brings together craftsmen plays an important role in encouraging them to expand internationally. Therefore, her party will continue to promote MSME products in Malang through various opportunities, one of which is at the Indonesia Fair.