Last April, Indonesian government inaugurated Taman Tebet in South Jakarta with Tebet Eco Park as its new name. The inauguration was carried out by Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, and Suzi Marsitawati whose known as the head of DKI Jakarta Provincial Parks and Forest Service.
The north side of Tebet Eco Park offers several facilities for visitors, such as Tebet Eco Park Plaza, Thematic Garden, Community Lawn, and UMKM area, while the south one was divided into Wetland Boardwalk, Community Garden, Children Playground, and Forest Buffer.
Syafrin Liputo, the head of DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, has encouraged the visitors not to park their vehicles carelessly along with the evaluation of public transport services to minimize the traffic congestion in the immediate surroundings of Tebet Eco Park.