QRIS to Support Transactions Among ASEAN Countries

Indonesia commits to having among countries transactions with QRIS in ASEAN. Thailand is the first country to have full access to QRIS while Singapore is still waiting for the agreement while Malaysia is doing QRIS trials since January. With the presence of QRIS, it is hoped that ASEAN will ease transactions among countries.  

Thailand can adopt the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS), which has been introduced by Bank Indonesia (BI) and Joko Widodo. QRIS makes international trade, especially among ASEAN nations, more efficient and simple, supporting MSMEs (UMKM) in expanding their market.

Jokowi expects that it is not only efficient for the market, but also for Indonesia as the owner so that the platform can gain more users. Perry Warjiyo, the Governor of BI states that QRIS will have full access to the transactions in Thailand from tourism to MSMEs. With the availability of QRIS, Thailand citizens don’t need to use a foreign exchange and use a QR code to have transactions instead. 

There are five governors of BI alongside Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines who had attended a meeting in May 2022 discussing the commitment to have a connecting payment transactions with QR codes.    


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