Bingkai Karya-Lomba Sihir had successfully impressing the Indonesian music scene with their debut album “Selamat Datang di Ujung Dunia” in 2021. Now, this alternative-pop band consisting of Baskara Putra, Natasha Udu, Rayhan Noor, Enrico Octaviano, and Tristan Juliano is ready to open its second chapter in their discography “Menit Tambahan.” Ready to be released by Sun Eater on June 28, 2024.
Apart from their latest single “Menit Tambahan,” the second page of Lomba Sihir will also be opened with a showcase concert billed as “2 Jam Bersama Lomba Sihir.” Which is ready to be held on July 24 and 25, 2024, at Creative Culture Space, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.
A Fiery Side
With a duration of 4 minutes and 6 seconds, “Menit Tambahan” emphasizes the more fiery side of Lomba Sihir. It features Natasha Udu taking the role as the main vocalist. “Menit Tambahan” itself can be described as a hymn of encouragement. Especially for music audiences who have to enter the second round of life. Which may be more difficult than the challenges they have faced before.
Lomba Sihir revealed that the narrative behind the song “Menit Tambahan” stemmed from a very thought-out decision. “After quite in-depth discussions between the five of us, we came to two conclusions. First, we are ready to continue our adventure as Lomba Sihir. Second, we all share an interesting perspective on time,” explained Lomba Sihir.
“When we talk about time, it means we are talking about getting older. The social pressures felt as we get older, new worries after the pandemic, and so on. Time, hence, becomes the epicenter for our upcoming second album. Starting with this lead single ‘Menit Tambahan’”
More specifically, Lomba Sihir views the song “Menit Tambahan” as a reflection of changes in attitudes toward life after going through three years of the pandemic. In terms of musicality, “Menit Tambahan” marks Lomba Sihir’s departure into different sonic territory. Lomba Sihir also revealed that the more assertive direction of “Menit Tambahan” is based on their desire to include more of a human touch into their second era.