TP PKK Host a Kebaya Contest to Preserve Traditional Costumes

The Malang City Family Empowerment and Welfare (TP PKK) always provides space to preserve Indonesia’s cultural heritage. One of them was the modern kebaya competition which was held by PKK cadres at the Kartini Building in Malang City on Friday, March 10, 2023.

In her remarks, the Chairperson of TP PKK Malang, namely Widayati Sutiaji, S.Sos, MM, expressed her appreciation for the implementation of this activity and also for the participants who took part in the modern kebaya competition. Widayati revealed the background of this competition was to protect kebaya as one of Indonesia’s meaningful cultural heritage. “Kebaya has a philosophy, its shape adapts to the shape of a woman’s body, symbolizing women who can adapt to various situations, circumstances, and cultures gently and flexibly. Women in kebaya look elegant and exude an aura of femininity,” she explained.

The Modern Kebaya Competition was attended by PKK cadres from all urban villages in Malang City, East Java. This competition also set unique and unusual requirements, namely, participants were at least 50 years old and had a minimum body weight of 70 kilograms. “This kebaya competition has an extraordinary momentum. We turn all women into advanced, independent, creative, and innovative women,” she said.

She further revealed that the modern kebaya competition was a series of events from the Malang City Expo 2023. She hoped that this competition could increase tourist attraction and improve the wheels of the economy.

During the competition, the contestants looked elegant and flexible on the stage. The kebaya she wore looked beautiful and stylish. After the assessment was carried out, it was announced that the 1st place winner was won by a PKK representative from the Kotalama Urban Village, then followed by the representative from the Madyopuro Urban Village as the 2nd place winner, and the 3rd place winner was won by the Sawojajar Urban Village.

On this occasion, the TP PKK Malang City through the assisted MSMEs at Rumah Solusi also enlivened the Malang City Expo 2023. Dozens of Malang City’s superior products were also exhibited, ranging from Malangan batik cloth, dried butterfly pea flowers, and pastries to Malang handicrafts. The presence of Rumah Solusi also makes Malang MSME products a wider market.



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