Yadav Launches Meri LiFE to Encourage Environmentally Friendly Living

The Union Environment Ministry is planning public mobilization events ahead of the G20 summit to popularize Meri LiFE, an initiative envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with an emphasis on reducing wasteful consumption.

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In preparation for this year’s World Environment Day on June 5, Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav on Monday launched Meri LiFE, a mobile app that can be used by people to make various interventions in daily life to moderate their consumption patterns and lead an environment-friendly lifestyle, according to officials. According to Yadav, the topic of this year’s World Environment Day will be LIFE and Solutions to Plastic Pollution.

On Monday, Yadav stated that LiFE is an India-based social movement that promotes mindful and purposeful resource use rather than mindless and destructive consumption behaviors. Because it is a behavioral change framework, we must naturally involve a huge number of people.

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is working with the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Climate Change (MoEFCC) to carry out the mass campaign, which was concluded on June 5.

According to Yadav, the LiFE movement or the spirit of the issue has been included in most key global resolution documents, including the Sharm El Sheikh Implementation Plan, the G7 ministers’ conference in Japan, and the UN Biodiversity Conference last year, among others.

After successfully signing up for the Meri LiFE app, users will be guided to participate in a series of LiFE-related tasks organized around five themes: Save Energy, Save Water, Reduce Single Use Plastic, Adopt Sustainable Food Systems, and Adopt Healthy Lifestyle. The software nudges people to make these behavioral adjustments through a gamified experience, according to officials.

According to the LiFE webpage, 75 behavioral therapies are available. Changes in large-scale individual demand are expected to gradually nudge industries and markets to respond and tailor supply and procurement as per the revised demands; and by influencing the demand and supply dynamics of India and the world, the long-term vision of Mission LiFE is to trigger shifts in large-scale industrial demand.



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