11.12 Music Tells about the Highest Level of Love in “Bahagia Relakanmu”

11.12 Music finally released their second single titled “Bahagia Relakanmu.” The band also decided to accompany their new single with an Official Music Video. “Bahagia Relakanmu” tells the true story of love life with its many difficulties. 

Their new single, “Bahagia Relakanmu” is a true story in the love life of one of the 11.12 Music personnel. A romantic relationship that has been established for a long time, which finally ran aground because he chose someone else. That’s where the highest level of love is experienced and must be willing to let them go for their happiness.

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“Bahagia Relakanmu” was written and produced by 11.12 Music themselves, with Laurentius Patrick as its main vocalist. The song was recorded and mixed by Fabian Studio. While their music videos are being done personally. The band hoped that their new single could make listeners relate to it and make a boom in the Indonesian Music Industry.

11.12 Music is a music group that was formed in August 2022. Consists of 3 personnel namely Laurentius Patrick as Vocalist and Guitarist, Yosia Herdian as Drummer and Vocal, Ezza Permana as Bassist. They began their journey with their first single titled “Suka” and since then tried to create more songs to be given to their fans. 

Currently “Bahagia Relakanmu” can already be listened to in all Indonesia digital streaming services.

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