“Elemental: Forces of Nature” is the latest animated film from Disney Pixar which was worked on by Peter Sohn. This film shows the interesting life stories of creatures of fire, water, earth, and air elements who coexist in Element City. “Elemental: Force of Nature” is Peter Sohn’s second work as a director with his first animated film “The Good Dinosaur”.
The synopsis of this film begins with Bernie and Cinder Lumen, a couple of fire elements who migrate from their hometown to Element City. Element City is where creatures of the elements of water, earth, and air live. The existence of fire creatures is taboo because that element is considered to be able to burn and destroy other elements.
Bernie and Cinder decide to live in the suburbs by the canal. They also set up a supermarket that sells the needs of the fire elements. They are also blessed with a child named Ember Lumen. Ember, who has grown up, also takes care of the shop along with her father.
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One time, Bernie decided to turn over his shop to Ember. However, Ember still has difficulty controlling her emotions and causes an explosion of fire when she is angry. However, this made Bernie never retire, he was only willing to hand over the shop to Ember if she was able to control her emotions.
One day, Ember couldn’t hold back his emotions so her anger exploded when she was in the basement. The overflow of emotions caused her house’s pipes to burst and a water element city inspector named Wade Ripple suddenly appeared. Since then, Wade and Ember have been together often because they have to solve the problems they cause so that Bernie’s family’s fire shop can survive.
Several actors who were involved as voice actors for the movie such as, Leah Lewis, Mamoudou Athie, Ronnie del Carmen, to Wendi McLendon-Covey and Catherine O’Hara.
Now, “Elemental: Forces of Nature” movie has been shown in Indonesian cinemas starting on June 21, 2023.
Source: CNN Indonesia