Grand Mercure Malang Mirama Introduced New Products with Fisixty by Omar Syarief at Take Over Coffee Cafe Malang

Grand Mercure Malang Mirama launched a new drink on 13 August 2022. Not only offering a new drink but also inviting Omar Sayrief, a well-known barista from Surabaya. The event was attended by a variety of people from hospitality to common. The purpose of the event was to introduce one of the outlets at Grand Mercure  Malang Mirama, specifically Coffee Cafe which could be a good recommendation in Malang. 

Omar Syarief also introduced his own product called “Wonderful Malang” which will be the promo of the month for 3 months. His new product is a mix of Lavender Cordial, Mixberry, and Lemon. In making this signature drink, Omar was inspired by the beauty of Malang which has various culinary and tourism spots.      

“Besides that, because Malang City is full of flowers, any kind of flower is available in Malang, that’s why one of the ingredients is Lavender Cordial and is called Wonderful Malang,” said Omar Syarief

One of the reasons why Grand Mercure Malang Mirama held this event was due to the enthusiasm of the wider community. Revealed by General Manager of Grand Mercure

Malang Mirama, Sugito Adhi, that the event was the beginning of the event and there will be many activities similar to these activities.

“One of our F&B outlets also has 1 (outlet) which is still in development progress in 19th floor, namely the Sky Lounge, which will later become one of the favorite outlets with Malang’s sky view in Malang,” said Sugito Adhi

Grand Mercure Hotels & Resorts tempt travelers with hotel experiences captivating and appealing to their imagination. With its debut in Asia Pacific almost 20 years ago, the Grand Mercure network consisted of more than 55 hotels that adhered to cultural traditions, locally influenced cuisine and artistic expression inspired by the finest Hotels including Grand Mercure Mysore in India, Grand Mercure Belém Do Para Brasil and the Grand Mercure Rio de Janeiro Riocentro in Brazil. Grand Mercure is part of Accor, the world’s leading hospitality group of more than 5,300 properties and 10,000 places to eat and drink in 110 countries.


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