Haico Shares Perfect Way to Move On in “Aku Lepas Kamu Cinta”

After being successful with “Bahagia Bersamamu” that gained more than 23 million viewers on Youtube and 11 million listeners in Digital Music Platform, Haico returned with “Aku Lepas Kamu Cinta”. 

The song is about happiness with loved ones who had to go, yet she could move on. The lyrics were written by Dodi Hardianto and produced by Agung Saputra. (https://mundonow.com) Elvina Lie directed the music video of this song. “Aku Lepas Kamu Cinta” can be enjoyed on Youtube Haico Van der Veken & Bentuk Entertainment Channel, also on every digital music platforms. 

Haico returned with “Aku Lepas Kamu Cinta” after the success of “Bahagia Bersamamu,” which garnered over 23 million views on Youtube and 11 million listens on Digital Music Platform. The song is about being happy with loved ones who had to leave, but she was able to move on.


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