ICCN Strengthens Network of 260 Cities and Regions Throughout Indonesia Through Indonesia Creative Cities Festival and Conference 2023 in Banjarmasin

Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan Indonesia Creative Cities Network (ICCN), which was formed in Bandung, West Java, in April 2015, continues to grow and strengthen the network of members from across organizations to reach the region of 260 cities and regions throughout Indonesia. Every year, ICCN organizes the Indonesia Creative Cities Festival (ICCF) program, which is also included in the series, the Indonesia Creative Cities Conference (ICCC), filled with Hexa Helix ranks of creative economy, namely academics, entrepreneurs and MSMEs, community, regional and central government, media, and aggregators. This year, Banjarmasin is in charge of hosting ICCF 2023 with the theme “Cangkurah Kayuh Baimbai”, which philosophically can be interpreted as a spirit of collaboration, togetherness, and solidarity in achieving common goals, not easily giving up in the face of obstacles, and realizing creative ideas and solutions for Indonesia.

“This is in accordance with the spirit of the Indonesia Creative Cities Network as the home of a network of creative communities throughout Indonesia, becoming the home of the civil society movement. We certainly have to be able to orchestrate movements so that they can reinforce each other’s steps so that they can achieve “The goal is not just to go fast but also to go far,” stressed the Chairman ICCN General, Tubagus Fiki Chikara Satari, in his remarks, underscoring that this momentum is also for the ICCN network throughout Indonesia to be able to move forward by ascertaining and moderating who does what tasks as well as how to make the network’s struggles so much more heard and have a place in Indonesia’s future development plans.

ICCF 2023 was held on October 18–20, 2023, with activities based at the Galaxy Hotel and traveling to creative points throughout Banjarmasin. The first day was Wednesday, October 18, 2023. The participants came from all over Indonesia and gathered for a creative tour, namely visiting various locations for tourism as well as community living areas, including the 0 km pier to get on a klotok boat to Sasirangan Village, then visiting Siring Bekantan, Banjarmasin Creative Hub, Sasirangan Creative House, Anno House 1925, Cangkurah Expo, Dekrashow 3 at Banjarmasin City Hall, and Resto Apung.

Read also Network Node of 260 Cities – Regencies Throughout Indonesia Again Holds Indonesia Creative Cities Festival 2023 in Banjarmasin

Second day on Thursday, 19 October 2023, Indonesia Creative Cities Conference (ICCC) was held at the Galaxy Hotel Banjarmasin, with keynote speakers including Drs. Teten Masduki (Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic Indonesia), which emphasizes the importance of creative souls in giving birth New Sources of Economic Growth; Angela Tanoesoedibjo (Deputy Minister Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia), which explains Synergy Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) with ICCN for Strengthening Indonesia’s Role in the Development of the Creative Economy Sector Global; Vicky Arief (ICCN Executive Committee, Chair of the ICCF Organizing Committee 2023 Banjarmasin), which explains the ICCN Roadmap 2023-2025: 7 Programs Strategic towards a Resilient Community and Sustainable Nation; and Dwinita Larasati (ICCN Executive Committee), which explains the Creative Economy Nomenclature Indonesia, the role of the ICCN network and Creative Cities/Regencies for the Future 

“I want to emphasize the importance of creative souls in giving birth to new sources of economic growth. I stated this in the forum for the International ASEAN Summit some time ago: ASEAN, in particular Indonesia, is very relevant to take a role as a center of economic growth in the world and to become a region capable of processing and creating added value from its resources. Therefore, the creation of a future based on creativity and technology with inclusive business is absolutely crucial. Creating a new economy by exploring digitalization from upstream to downstream is a must,” explained Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (MenKopUKM) Teten Masduki.

Creative Leaders in the next session explained the potential development of the government’s commitment to support economic sector players in each region, filled by H. Ibnu Sina, S.Pi., M.Sc. (Mayor Banjarmasin), H. Ekos Albar, S.E., M.M. (Deputy Mayor of Padang), Dr. Frans Pekey, M.Sc. (PJ Mayor of Jayapura), Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, M.M. (PJ Mayor Malang), Dr. M. Tauhid Soleman, M.Sc. (Mayor of Ternate), and H. Pilar Saga Ichsan, S.T. (Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang). Then the Creative Session Communities was filled by Adi Marsiela (Fact Check Coordinator), who discussed Position Media as Part of the Creative Economy Ecosystem; Setia Budhi, Ph.D. (Indonesian Anthropological Association of South Kalimantan), which appointed Jukung Kai: Restoring River City’s Economic Energy; and Dr. Eng. Akbar Rahman, ST., MT., IAI (Banjarmasin Creative Economy Committee), who presented the Waterfront Concept City Based on Local Wisdom for the Asri Lestari River. 

The last day is Friday, October 20, 2023. The ICCC will be filled with keynote speakers, including Drs. H. Alimuddin, M.Si. (IKN Authority Body, Deputy for Social Affairs, Culture, and Community Empowerment), Putri Tanjung (ICCN Honorary Board, Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo), and M. Neil El Himam, M.Sc. (Deputy for Digital Economy and Creative Products, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy) regarding the National Digital Sovereignty Strategy with “Creative Attitude” and How the Young Generation Impacts the Development of the Creative Economy in Indonesia. At ICCF 2023, there will also be a special IKN Nusantara session, raising aspirations for IKN in the Creative City together with the East Kalimantan Network, and the reading of the Declaration ICCN’s aspirations for IKN as the Creative Capital of the Nusantara. 

Drs. H. Alimuddin, M.Si. explained, among other things, that IKN has4P functions, namely Preparation, Construction, Transfer and Management Government, which continues to progress. With that, efforts to move forward together with the community also continue to be implemented, including the preparation of education. “We are now based on needs, based on life in the future. This is what we will apply our education to, so we have the ability for the Creative Economy, then business, and others. From an early age we teach. Of course we are based on the Independent Curriculum, but I told you sir Minister* [*Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim], we want plus,” he explained, in explaining material needs plus learning, so that it can provide flexibility for talent mapping

and students’ interest in IKN Nusantara. 

As it started yesterday, this is also the last day of ICCF 2023 Banjarmasin. Again filled with crowds from the Creative Workshop series, including Didi Diarsa (ICCN Director of Assets & Business Finance) regarding Business Funding Alternative; Aldi Abidin (Deputy for Law, Advocacy/Regulation & Property Rights ICCN Intellectual), regarding Legal Correspondence for Creative Economy Actors; Ardiansyah Akbar (Jelonesia ICCN Task Force, CEO Lohjinawi) about Mapping Product Brand Identity; Ida Bagus Agung Gunarthawa (Secretary General ICCN, CEO of Samsara Living Museum, Bali) regarding Culture as Roots City Branding; Galih Sedayu (Deputy Chair of ICCN, Curator of the Kharisma Event Nusantara, Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy) regarding Community Festivals: Tips & Tricks for Creating an Impactful Festival; and Olyvia Jasso (Coordinator ICCN Maluku Region) and Robby Firliandoko (West Java Regional Coordinator ICCN), regarding Maintaining Wisdom, Building Reform and Glorifying Community Creativity

ICCF is the 9th in the ICCN program activation trail since 2015 closed with hospitality and dinner with the mayor Banjarmasin, H. Ibnu Sina, S.Pi., M.Sc., on Friday, October 20 2023. The Indonesia Creative Cities Conference was attended by a total of 300 participants, from 36 cities/ districts, and 22 Speakers, as well as a total of 790 Participants in Creative activities Workshops. Publication of information related to the series of ICCF 2023 Banjarmasin activities, 18-20 October 2023 can be followed via social media @ICCNMedia.  


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