Indonesian Cooperative Day 2023: Logo, History and Celebration

Indonesian Cooperative Day (Hari Koperasi Indonesia) or often known as National Cooperative Day (Hari Koperasi Nasional) is commemorated every 12 July. This commemoration was made as a form of respect for the role of cooperatives in building the economy in Indonesia.

According to the website of the Indonesian Cooperative Council (DEKOPIN), for the first time, the 2023 Cooperative Day bears the name as Indonesian Cooperative Day. This year, the highlight of the national Cooperative Day will be held in two places, namely in Jayapura and Jakarta.

History of Indonesian Cooperative Day

Quoting from the website of the Indonesian Cooperative Council, the first cooperative in Indonesia was founded at the end of 1886, on December 16 to be precise. It started when R. Aria Wiraatmadja Patih Purwokerto founded Hulp en Spaarbank.

The cooperative movement as a people’s movement began to emerge in 1908. This initiative was initiated by Boedi Oetomo and was marked by the establishment of household cooperatives.

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In 1913, the Sarekat Dagang Islam strengthened the cooperative spirit among the native textile traders and entrepreneurs. Then, in 1927, the Studie Club group (Indonesian National Association) revived the cooperative movement as a means for educating the people’s economy and nationalism.

After Indonesia’s independence, the various cooperative movements that were scattered were finally combined. Even though it was under pressure, the cooperative society still held the First Cooperative Movement Congress in Tasikmalaya on July 12, 1947.

Then in 1968, SOKRI changed its name to the Indonesian Cooperative Council or abbreviated as DEKOPIN. According to Article 57 of the Cooperative Law no.25 of 1992, DEKOPIN is the sole institution of the Indonesian cooperative movement.

Logo of the 76th Indonesian Cooperative Day

The official logo for Indonesian Cooperative Day has been released by DEKOPIN. The logo for Indonesian Cooperative Day 2023 seems to carry the nuances of Jakarta and Papua. This is because the main events will be held in Jayapura and Jakarta.

This year, Indonesia’s Cooperative Day is 76 years old, as can be seen from the logo. In addition, there are illustrations of the National Monument (Monas) and a replica of the bird of paradise which enriches the Indonesian Cooperative Day Logo.

Indonesian Cooperative Day Celebration 2023

Reporting from the DEKOPIN page, for the celebration of Indonesia Cooperative Day 2023 a series will be made. The 76th celebration was held in two different places to encourage even distribution of growth and development of cooperatives in eastern Indonesia.

 The main event will be held in Jakarta on July 12 2023.Then, on July 25-30 2023 a major event will be held in Papua in the form of an Archipelago Culture performance as a symbol of the unity of the Republic of Indonesia.


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