Kanda Brothers officially released their latest album “Elements of Life”. The album is a response from Aldy (vocals), Ricky (bass), Gerry (guitar), and Danna (drums) to the emotions symbolized in the 5 elements, namely, air, earth, fire, water, and metal. The various emotions and dynamics of life that occur in humans are the issue as well as a very strong inspiration foundation in this album.
The previous single “Hello” was supposed to represent the air element that offers optimistic energy and “Go” which is an explosive collaboration with Fuji represents the earth element that is so full of sadness. So this time, Kanda Brothers again portrayed angry emotions representing the fire element with their new single “We Were Young”.
As they often say on their Instagram account @KandaBrothers, “We need more than a night to understand that being young is too precious to be wasted” – many of us face moments of disappointment in ourselves and regret our previous decisions. “We Were Young” seems to invite us all not to get lost in that feeling. It’s never too late to explore ourselves again. We just have to believe and dare to make decisions even in the most difficult times, whatever the risks.
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Iga Massardi is considered to be a figure who can sharpen the message of this song. Known for his strength in writing critical lyrics with his band Barasuara, Kanda Brothers are drawn to his every point of view on things. “Apart from the spirit of modernization through his music which is completely new to us, this song is also our communication response with Iga to various ideas about the meaning of failure,” said Aldy.
“If you look further, failure is just a concept that is not necessarily the final result. Every moment is related, every decision affects the quality of how well you know yourself. In the end, success or failure is only a small part of the process,” continues Ricky, who is also the main inspiration for this song.
Kanda Brothers’ latest work, “We Were Young”, is available on all digital music platforms with the simultaneous release of the album “Elements of Life”, along with a music video shot by the young director Sakthi Marendra. Hopefully, this song can be a wake-up call for souls who are currently in various states of despair to dare to explore their potential as part of the journey toward their true identity.