LinkAja and Eduku Supports Kemendikbudristek to Advance Education in Indonesia

LinkAja and Eduku strengthened cooperative relations to increase the spread of the digital education administration system in Indonesia. This partnership agreement concurrent with the G20 Summit.

Eduku is a Learning Management System service provider (LMS) to help school management digitize teaching and learning processes effectively and efficiently, as well as providing digital solutions for educators, students, and parents through school management facilities, such as data storage, digital administration system, and online registration feature.

The partnership formalized through the signing of MoU will further increase Eduku’s role through LinkAja Sharing Knowledge (LBI) which has been running since 2020. LBI is a form of LinkAja’s commitment to the financial literacy program which has been routinely carried out by LinkAja. In addition, this collaboration is a support for programs initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

“LinkAja understands the importance of equitable and comprehensive digitalization in all sectors, including the education sector in Indonesia. For this reason, as a form of our support for the Ministry of Education and Culture in increasing digitalization in the education sector, LinkAja is synergizing with Eduku.” said Rendi Nugraha, Marketing Director of LinkAja.

“We are very enthusiastic about this collaboration. Eduku has collaborated with several trusted parties in developing innovations and creating practical school education management systems. This time, with LinkAja, we are confident that in the future, the dissemination of information related to digital literacy will develop faster and be on target.” Said Adi Halim, Main Director of Eduku.

LinkAja has built cooperation with various partners in the education sector through synergy with more than 600 schools across 18 provinces in Indonesia. The synergy includes digitalization of more than 60 Higher Education Partners, one of which is Gadjah Mada University (UGM), and Solo State University (UNS), as well as to more than 50 several online partners including Ruang Guru, Zenius, Pijar Mahir, Rakamin, Sekolahmu, Eduku, Udemy, Binar Academy, and others.

There are 87 million Indonesian users using LinkAja. Through a complete and integrated electronic financial transaction service ecosystem, LinkAja is consistent and commit its efforts to #SatukanPotensiIndonesia until it is realized


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