Get To Know More About Garuda Wisnu Kencana, 3rd Tallest Statue In The World


Located at GWK Cultural Park in Badung, Bali, this tallest statue in Indonesia and the third in the world, depicts the Hindu god Vishnu riding the Garuda bird. This 121 meter high masterpiece even beats the height of the Statue of Liberty in New York, United States. Nearly every day, GWK Cultural Park hosts a variety of artistic acts. For the splendor of GWK, both local and foreign tourists swarm to this location. Let’s examine the details of how the GWK was created in the beginning:

1.      The Garuda Wisnu Kencana development project was started in 1989, during the administration of Suharto’s second term. GWK was started by the artist Nyoman Nuarta, the governor of Bali, Ida Bagus Oka, the minister of mines and energy, IB Sudjana, and the then-minister of tourism, post, and telecommunications, Joop Ave.

2.      President Soeharto gave his approval to this plan in 1990. However, the development of the project was put on hold in 1998 owing to the financial crisis. In addition to being put on hold, the building of the GWK statue had also caused controversy among Bali’s Hindu leaders. Nevertheless, the development process goes on following agreements.

3.      This statue is made of a mixture of copper and steel weighing 4,000 tons, with a height of 121 meters and a width of 65 meters. while for the construction of the statue made of copper and brass materials, supported by 21,000 steel rods with a total weight of 2,000 tons and a total of 170,000 bolts.

4.    GWK is in the third highest position in the world with a height of 121 meters above the ground, while the Statue of Liberty is only about 93 meters and the construction reaches 96 meters. The erection of Garuda Wisnu Kencana is important because it’s a symbol of Indonesia’s ability to produce new masterpieces, after the great works of past civilizations such as Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple.

5. The GWK statue mixes art, science, technology and is built to endure earthquake and wind shocks. The statue is made to be extremely durable and resistant to seismic shocks, which frequently happen in Bali and the surrounding area.

Don’t Forget To Spend some time at the Garuda Wisnu Kencana tourist site if you’re considering a trip to Bali!


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