Grand Mercure Malang Mirama 1st anniversary Mini exhibition were held at Coffee Cafe Malang, Grand Mercure Malang Mirama. The anniversary was attended by Kepala Dinas Kepemudaan Olahraga dan Pariwisata of Malang City, Bp. Baihaqi., S.E.,M.Si together with other agencies such as the Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan and Dinas Sosial.
Sugito Adhi, the General Manager of Grand Mercure Malang Mirama announced that on 1 October 2022, the exhibition was officially opened with 15 tenants of Batik, Topeng Malang, and paintings.
“Of course we are really thankful for the enthusiasm from cultural practitioners in Malang who always support and are involved in this exhibition. Hopefully in the future we can provide a good place for everyone to educate about the importance of culture,” Sugito Adhi stated.
Meanwhile Bp. Baihaqi, S.Pd., S.E., M.Si, the Chief of Dinas Kepemudaan Olahraga dan Pariwisata agreed that this exhibition deserves to be appreciated because of the cultural concern from Grand Mercure by providing a good place for art enthusiasts. It is hoped that the exhibition could create a chance for Malang’s culture to evolve and involve every component.
Moreover, the announcement of Mini Exhibition also involve some performer from Angklung from SMK 1 Muhammadiyah Malang to Tari Topeng Malangan dancers performed by SLB-B YPTB Malang.