Dutch Students Invented a Carbon-Eating Electric Car

Dutch students produced an electric car that captures more carbon than it releases. Jens Lahaije, a representative of the Eindhoven University of Technology team, which made this creation said, “The purpose of this car’s creation was to minimize CO2 emissions during the phases of production, operation, and end-of-life.”

They named the car “ZEM” standing for Zero Emission Mobility. Most of the car parts are 3D-printed from recycled plastics while the seater components are used to power a Cleantron lithium-ion battery pack. The goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions over the entire life of the car, from manufacturing through recycling.

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According to the Eindhoven University of Technology team, it has two filters that can capture up to 2 kg of CO2 across 30,000 km of driving. Although this is a small quantity, at least 12 cars traveling 30,000 km each would be required to absorb the same amount as the average tree in a year. 

In the upcoming years, the students want to improve the filter’s capacity. Moreover, they think the filters might be replaced at charging stations in the future. The students are showcasing their car on a U.S. promotional tour of universities and businesses from the East Coast to Silicon Valley.


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