Synchronize Fest made by PT. PusKesMas (Pusat Kesenangan Masa Kini) managed to gain more than 70 thousand audiences who came during the 3 days of the event festival on 7, 8, 9 October 2022.
“Lokal Lebih Vokal” theme which was voiced by Synchronize Fest 2022 apparently really resonated during the event. It showed the spirit of promoting Indonesian musicians who come from various genres of music from rock, dangdut, metal, jazz, pop, and even experimental music.
Synchronize Fest is a manifestation of local Indonesian cultural tribute. So many festival elements that may be simple, but actually become such elements close to everyday life. Call it a truck installation that looks like a Pantura style truck. Local’s snacks, such as: kacang rebus, ubi rebus, kerak telor, and tahu bulat were presented in the middle of the festival. There was also an installation of Crackers Cans in the Pasar Musik area.
The audiences were invited to get to know the diversity of Indonesian music through the list of performers presented by Synchronize Fest. For the Day 3 and the closing of this festival, there were Yura Yunita, Orkestra Nasida Ria Tjut Nyak Deviana, Superman Is Dead, Ardhito Pramono, IDGITAF, Soegi Bornean, and many amazing musicians from various genre music.